Seattle Public Schools


Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund

About the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund

Each year since 1974, the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to graduating seniors of Seattle Public Schools and in recognition of students who have overcome significant life challenges to achieve their dreams.

The scholarships are awarded to students each year for tuition expenses at any college or university or vocational training of the student’s choice.

The scholarship is funded largely from an annual contribution from the Seattle School Retirees Association, as well as generous donations from community members.

Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund Receives $5 Million Gift

The Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund is grateful for the recent high-impact gift from the estate of the late C. David Hughbanks, Ballard High School class of 1954.

Read more about this gift

2024 Scholarship Award Recipients

A large group of students gather for a photo in the Franklin auditorium
2024 Scholarship Awardees

The 50th anniversary award ceremony was held May 9, 2024.

See awardee names and their schools and photos from the evening!

Congratulations 2024 Seattle Schools Scholarship Awardees

Scholarship Awardee Disbursement Form

Students who have been awarded a scholarship from the Seattle Schools Scholarship fund should fill out the Disbursement Form to have their scholarship award sent to their college, university, or technical school. Once the form is received, and the student’s award has been confirmed, the scholarship award will be sent directly to the student’s school to fund tuition and related expenses.

Eligibility Requirements

Candidates are selected by school counselors and the Scholarship Fund Committee Trustees.

In order to be eligible to receive a Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund award, the student must:

  • Have overcome significant obstacles in order to earn a diploma;
  • Demonstrate the ability to succeed in college, community college, or technical school;
  • Have financial need;
  • Hold a minimum GPA of 2.5 (flexibility in unique cases);
  • Exhibit recognizable contributions to their school and/or community;
  • Graduate from a Seattle Public Schools high school in the current year.

Donation Forms and Fund Sources

Donate Online (Credit Card Convenience Fee Will Apply)

2024 Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund Donation Form

All gifts to the Scholarship Fund, regardless of the amount, are greatly appreciated. 100% of every donation is applied directly to the scholarships. Please be assured that  any gift, small or large, will support worthy and deserving young people.

An annual contribution, currently $25,000, from the Seattle School Retirees Association (SSRA) has benefited the fund significantly over the years.

An annual gift of $10,000 by the Tricia and Richard Taylor family honoring the memory of Sharon Woerner Loberg supports the scholars from Rainier Beach High School. 

An annual gift of $15,000 by Michael and Marie DeBell supports the scholars from Ballard High School, in honor of Chuck Chinn and Phil Brockman, former Ballard distinguished principals.

An annual gift of $15,000 by Lynn Frances Guthrie supports the scholars from Franklin High School.

An annual gift of $5,000 by Manisha Powar and Vineeth Madhusudanan honoring the memory of Mr. B.B. Powar supports the scholar from Alan T. Sugiyama High School (at South Lake).

An annual gift of $5,000 by Eric Benson honoring the memory of longtime Nathan Hale High School teacher and Trustee of the Scholarship Fund, Elaine Wetterauer, supports the female scholar from Nathan Hale.

An annual gift of $5,000 each from Steve and Liann Sundquist and from Glenn and Molly Seaverns supports two scholars from Chief Sealth High School, in honor of John Boyd, former Chief Sealth principal.

Donations have come from many sources including district employees and the community. Since the inception of the Scholarship Fund in 1974, the number and amounts of scholarships granted has increased to 51 scholarships of $5,000 each.

The 2017 ceremony honored former Franklin High School teacher and longtime fund trustee Phil Konkel who passed away in 2016. His passion and tireless efforts dedicated to the success of the students of Seattle and the Scholarship Fund will be greatly missed. His legacy lives on through a generous bequest to the Fund of nearly $200,000.

In 2004, Nora B. Adams, former teacher and principal in Seattle Public Schools, left a bequest of nearly $600,000 to the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund. Nora B. Adams (1928-2004) was a teacher at  Sharples Jr. High and T. T. Minor Elementary and also served as principal at T. T. Minor, Bryant, Sacajawea, Dunlap, and Seward Elementary Schools.

In 1999 the fund increased by $11,000 when contributions in honor of long-time school board member, Ellen J. Roe were made upon her retirement.

In 1983 Superintendent Donald Steele recorded an album with country singer Tammy Wynette. All proceeds ($90,000) from its sales were directed to the Scholarship Fund.

  • Michael DeBell (Chair) – Retired School Board Director, Seattle Public Schools; Parent of three SPS Graduates
  • Ronald Boy (Vice-chair) – Attorney; Former Executive Director Labor Negotiations, Seattle Public Schools
  • Leslie Harris (Vice-Chair) – Retired School Board Director, Seattle Public Schools
  • Eric Benson – Retired Principal, Nathan Hale High School, Seattle Public Schools
  • Linda Ellingboe – Former PTA and PTSA President, Four Generations of Seattle Public Schools Graduates and Students
  • Ann Ouillette Fitzmaurice – Retired Elementary librarian and teacher, Lake Washington School District
  • Lynn Frances Guthrie – Former Tutor Seattle Public Schools Powerful Readers; owner/tutor READ WRITE LEARN
  • Kathy Ouillette Madden – Retired Elementary teacher, Manson and Issaquah School Districts
  • Myrna Bigno Muto – Retired Teacher, School Counselor, and Career Technical Education Specialist, Seattle Public Schools
  • Kathie Pham – Seattle Colleges, Office of Advancement, Scholarship Manager; Former Seattle Schools Employee 2013-2019; Ballard High School Graduate
  • Dietrich A.C. Schmitz – Parent of two Seattle Public Schools High School Scholars
  • Clara Scott – Retired Principal, TOPS K-8, Seattle Public Schools
  • Paulette Q. Thompson – University of Washington Academic Advisor (Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, College Access Unit); Former Teacher, Seattle Public Schools; Roosevelt High School Graduate
  • Eleanor Toews – Retired Archivist, Seattle Public Schools; Parent of two Garfield Graduates

Seattle Public Schools Consultants

  • Bev Redmond (Public Affairs and Chief of Staff)
  • Julia Warth (Board Office)
  • Valerie Koo (Board Office)
  • Chris Johnson (Financial)
  • Meaghan Kahlo (Archivist/Website Manager)

Seattle Scholarship Fund Recognition Wall Plaque

Recognition Wall

The Seattle Scholarship Fund Recognition Wall listing Tributes, Memorials and Donations can be found in the public lobby of the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence. 

Currently, donations of $500 or more with a stated designated honoree/memorial will result in that person’s/organization’s name being added to the next available space on the Scholarship Fund Recognition Wall.

This will result in a letter from the Trustees announcing the donation to the family of the person memorialized or to the honoree. (This is why it’s important to include an address to be used for the donation announcement.) It will also result in a letter from the Trustees as a letter of receipt to the donor. 

The $500 donation size may also be reached by multiple donors separately honoring or memorializing the same individual to have that name added.

Another way a name (individual/family/organization) may be added to the Scholarship Recognition Wall is if there is an ongoing annual donation over $500.

The Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund was established in 1974 to provide financial assistance to deserving graduates from Seattle Public Schools for first year college related expenses. The major goal of the fund is to reward students who have overcome significant life challenges to obtain a high school diploma and who might not ordinarily be considered for a higher education scholarship.These non-renewable awards of $5,000 each are distributed among young men and women from both traditional and alternative high schools in Seattle Public Schools who reflect the diverse ethnic population of the school district. Awards are disbursed directly to the institution.

When you include the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund in your estate plan, your generosity will support the educational goals of some of Seattle’s most deserving students and have a lifelong, positive impact.

Including the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund allows the fund to continue to make a meaningful impact in the lives of the students we support. Once you make the decision to show your support, we encourage you to inform the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund of your gift as it will help us to plan for future scholarship awards by the fund.

If you already have a will, you can add a bequest to Seattle Public Schools’ Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund by means of a simple document called a codicil. If you have a revocable living trust, you can make a future gift through a bequest, or a charitable distribution provision in the trust agreement. A trust agreement can be amended to include such a provision.

The Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund is program of Seattle Public Schools which is a qualified organization for tax purposes. The IRS permits you to deduct donations made to qualified organizations, which include school district programs that are not operated for profit and are solely supported by state and local governments.

Bequest Language

Specific sums of money: I give to the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund of Seattle Public Schools in Seattle, WA (Federal Tax Identification Number: 91-6001-541) the sum of [exact dollar amount] as restricted gift to be used by the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund for scholarship awards.

Percentage of estate: I give to the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund of Seattle Public Schools in Seattle. WA (Federal Tax Identification Number: 91-6001-541), ______% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate as restricted gift to be used by the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund for scholarship awards.

Specific property such as real estate, stocks, bonds, works of art, or other items: I give to the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund of Seattle Public Schools in Seattle. WA (Federal Tax Identification Number: 91-6001-541), the following items: [description of the particular property] which may be sold and used by the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund for scholarship awards.

Rest and residue of estate after paying debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests: I give to the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund of Seattle Public Schools in Seattle. WA (Federal Tax Identification Number: 91-6001-541), all [or a stated percentage] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate as restricted gift to be used by the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund for scholarship awards.

Contingent bequest of the Testator is not survived by certain individuals: If [name/s of primary beneficiary/ies] do/does not survive me or shall die within ninety (90) days from the date of my death, or as a result of a common disaster, then I give to the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund of Seattle Public Schools in Seattle. WA (Federal Tax Identification Number: 91-6001-541), [exact dollar amount, description of property, or percentage of residual estate] as restricted gift to be used by the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund for scholarships.